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Financial Literacy

Share your own story! Become a published author!

Be part of the Young Entrepreneurs Story (YES) Project and share your ideas, successes, and challenges with other aspiring young leaders and entrepreneurs.

Here Are Some Ideas To Help You Get Started

Have you started your own business? How did you get started and what obstacles have you faced? What advice would you give to other young entrepreneurs?

Maybe you prefer to be a social entrepreneur. Share your tips for running a successful fundraiser or crowdfunding campaign.

Tell us about your experience as a volunteer or intern. What were the hardest and most enjoyable parts of the job?

Does money make you feel in control or stressed out? What is your biggest financial success? Or, your biggest financial mistake?

All stories will be published with the author’s first name only. If we accept your story, we’ll contact you via email and request that you give us formal permission to use the story via a release form. If you are under 18, you will need to ask a parent or guardian to sign this form. We cannot publish your story without a signed release form, even if you request to be published anonymously or under a screen name. Your story will be published online in the Financial Literacy database. You’ll also receive a letter of commendation from Rosen Publishing and be entered for a chance to win an Amazon gift card to put toward your newest venture!

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We need your email address to get formal permission to publish your story as well as to find out where to send your letter of commendation and gift card. All stories will be published with the author's first name only.

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